
Wednesday 30 November 2022

Totally Pawsome

 Good morning how are you? Just a quick check in as its getting to the silly season and things tend to get forgotten and I  am on a little bit of a creative roll these days so I hope to share some more and more and get in a good habit ready for the new year. 

How goes your creating ?

Friday 25 November 2022

Live your Best Life with Dusty Attic

Good morning, hope you are all keeping well. 

Its that time of the year when things start to get hetic, at least at this house they do, Christmas is very close and that means decorations, lights soooooooooooooooo many lights and being our first Christmas in our forever house theres more work figuring things out. 

But while that happens at least I am finding a little time to get creative and I tell you the Dusty Attic Moodboards are a great way to get inspiration in this feastive season.

How are you all going?

With the Decorative Panel , I cut either ends off and then split it down the middle its allows you to use it up to 4 times.

The Word disks are a perfect little subtitle.....

How cute are the Small Daisies, love how you can add movement to your layout.

I hope you get some creative time over this crazy season, if you do you can enter into this months moodboard, you still have time.

Live you Best life


We would love to see your take on our moodboard.  Don’t forget to share your projects on our Facebook page. Why not enter the Mood Board challenge yourself? 

All you need to do is add your take of the challenge into the comments section on the Dusty FANattics Facebook page HERE for your chance to win one of two amazing $50 Credits to choose any. 

Good Luck and have fun creating.

Sunday 13 November 2022

Into the Wild Cyber Crop Challenge #8

 Good afternoon how is everyone going with the challenges? Before I share the last challenge, a little bit of housekeeping....

All challenges to count to go into the prize draw must be loading in the corresponding albums.

To go into the running to be Queen of the Crop, you must enter the whole 8 challenges.

You have till midnight the 18th November to enter all challenges *Western Australian time

Now onto the next challenge - Quote

Theres nothing like blowing your first bubble, its a challenge and once you do it its wonderful and makes you feel alive......


Into the Wild Challenge #7 - Moodboard

 How is everyone travelling ? Doing ok with the Craft in the Run Into the Wild Cyber Crop? We have another challenge for you now this is number #7 - its the classic moodboard !!

Who loves them ?


Upload your take on the challenge here:

Stay tuned for the final challenge

Into the Wild Challenge #6 - Glamping

Good morning thank you to those who played along with bingo its always so fun and always leaves you on the edge of your seat for sure. 

A new day and a new set of challenges here is challenge #6 

I picked #3

 Load your entries here:

Saturday 12 November 2022

Into the Wild Cyber Crop Challenge #5

Afternoon back again here to share with you another challenge from Craft on the Runs Into the Wild heres challenge #5 

See you all soon for Bingo


Into the Wild Cyber Crop Challenge #4

How are you going with the challenges so far for Craft on the Runs Into the Wilds Cyber Crop. We are up to challenge #4

Heres my take on the challenge 

Stay tuned for the next challenge