It is my absolute pleasure to introduce the following ladies
who will be all creating and sharing their amazing talents this year for
Hi I am Kim and live not far from Scrapping Clearly I have been in the scrapbooking industry for over 15 years now and just love what I have learnt along the way.
Paper craft and especially scrapbooking is a passion of mine I am not frightened to try new and exciting things with paper and love being creative with paper. I am currently loving the mixed media trends and what can be done as it allows for so much self expression. I have been lucky enough to have been selected for many national and international design teams. I have a studio in my home that at times is inundated with supplies but thats what scrapping and being creative is all about having what you need on hand.
I an honoured that I am apart of the Scrappingclearly and Kylie's awesome team
and highly recommend that you either stop off in Gundagai and check out her shop
or browse her online shop you will love what you will find.
Hello scrappy peeps.. I'm Lisa and I've been playing with crafty stuff for the last 30 years. My focus for the last 13 years has been scrapbooking and lately mixed media and art journalling has taken over a little more.
I love creating bright bold colourful pieces of arty goodness. I cant wait to share some with you. X
Hi Lorrie here - I love all things paper. I always have. I can remember when I was a young child, while my friends would want to play house, with dolls, etc., I wanted to play “office”. I had papers stacked, tons of pens and I hoarded envelopes, receipts and such my mother would throw in the trash. As an adult, my love of paper continues (although I’m no longer digging through the trash for envelopes – well, unless they are really fun envelopes)!
I started scrapping several years ago after a friend sent me a handmade birthday card. I thought it was the coolest thing EVER! I immediately became obsessed with scrapbooking, which led to cardmaking, to mini-albums, and the list goes on from there. As a compliment to paper crafting, I also enjoy photography and working with digital elements in Photoshop. Often I combine paper crafting with digital crafting to create hybrid projects. I had the privilege to be a part of the Jessica Sprague Digital Scrapbooking Design Team for two years, and was an instructor for her Project Plaza Series specializing in hybrid crafts. I’m also a certified digital designer.
Hi I am Marelle - I live outside Geelong Victoria on the beautiful Bellarine Penisula surrounded by vineyards and beach! I have been scrapping for over 12 years and my work has evolved into more mixed media over the past few years. I am thrilled to join scrapping clearly and look forward to inspiring you all in 2015.
Hi, my name is Rikki, I am very lucky to be a SAHM ( Tristan 12, Ethan nearly 10 and Amelia 4), we live in Mandurah just South of Perth with my scrap widow Scott. I have been scrapping since I was 16 yrs old, so needless to say it’s been awhile…… but I really got into it when my first son was born.
I love scrapping in all different styles I think that’s what I love about this ‘’hobby’’ you are never bored and you will always have something else to learn. I am currently very lucky to be on a few different design teams like WW1, Scrap the Girls, Rainbow Splendour, Sketchabilities , Tomorrow’s Memories, Scrap the Boys and I am very excited about a Guest DT position in the New Year with 13@rts.
I am very excited to asked to join the Scrapping Clearly design team and I cant wait to share with you …
Hi my name is Valerie - I am a French Mom of 2 daughters who live in France, since few month now after few years in Texas and Scotland. My inspiration came mostly from people I love and care about, and sometimes I create only for the fun to play with a new toy. I like to scrapbook, make cards and altered projects. I almost create everyday, but real life often gets in my way…. I'm glad to be a part of the Scrappingclearly team and can't wait to show you my ideas!

Hi! I am Kate Morrow from Arlington, Texas. Here is my life in numbers: 47 years old; married 23 years; 2 kids ages 15 and 18; 2 dogs and 1 cat (my husband still can't believe it either); 3 older sisters; 2 younger step-sisters; 1 younger step-brother; 15 moves in 23 years and 20 years of designing in the paper arts world. I love creating a variety of pieces from card making to mini albums to traditional 12x12 layouts to Project Life to mixed media projects. I am so blessed to be a part of the Scrapping Clearly Design Team. I look forward to creating more work to share with you all!