Good morning how are you all? I have been working hard on doing a layout a day and I have to say I am so happy, its helped the mojo flow and more importantly it gets memories in albums, I have to say I am not looking forward to organised them in there albums thats going to be a task and a half , but its worth it especially when you flick through the albums.
How goes you creative journey?
Why dont you play along with the new Dusty Attic Moodboard?
Lets face it my go to is white chipboard... I love the fact that with putting all the chipboard white it allows you to stack and layer your chipboard.
It allows the pattern paper to pop and show off the colours and with the chipboard so show there amazing details and shapes.
Another confession, I love sticking rhinestones throughout the layers of chipboard, yes they are all individually glued and yes it takes a lot of time but its a little bit of zen when doing it.
So I hope you find your zen when creating your moodboard entry.
Till next time,
have a creative day.

All you need to do is add your take of the challenge into the comments section on the Dusty FANattics Facebook page HERE for your chance to win one of two amazing $50 Credits to choose any.
Good Luck and have fun creating.