
Sunday 6 June 2021

Girl Squad with Craft on the Run

Good morning how are you? I am here today for Craft on the Run, and yes I know its been awhile, stupid lack of mojo will do that to you but I am here to share this amazing collection which is IN STORE NOW, Mintays Glam Rock !!!

I have to say this collection has been out for a little while but I have spent the time fussy cutting and then I just sat it aside because lets face it this stunning collection can be a little intimidating and with that feeling not a lot of creating can happen.

But once you get past that feeling oohhhh the fun you will have with this collection !!!!


So to start things off I used a white cut file title and to see this and many more why dont you pop into the store for an exclusive purchase - you can only see these in store only.

Now once you have your large title, you can think about changing the colour, I really love a metallic gold and with mist/inks I just found it was a little yellow, so this is where alcohol inks come into there own... there mica pigments really grab and shine with a lux effect,  mean who doesnt love gold right?


The little crown is made of paper clay in a mold to add the wow factor paint it also with alcohol ink......

Dont forget while you have your ink on your brush flick it over your page.

Also have dedicated brush for your ink...... because it cant be used for anything else, you can soften it for the next time you use it with the same colour in or isopropyl alcohol which you can pick up at any hardware store.

Dont have the right gold embellishment? Why not hit it with some alcohol ink?

Dont be afraid of layering your photo over your large cut outs.... your brain will automatically fill in the missing letter so you still can read it.

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